Advanced Endpoint Protection
The maritime market is becoming an increasingly lucrative target for cyber criminals. Networks onboard a vessel now have more critical endpoints than ever, such as desktops, laptops, mobile and OT devices. And every endpoint can be a potential entry point for attacks, leading to security breaches. Endpoint security, or endpoint protection, protects these entry points from malicious attacks.
What does Port-IT Vanir Endpoint do?
Blocking targeted attacks
Detecting cyber threats
Prevents network attacks and intrusions
Protects against ransomware attacks and botnet communication
Protects devices from malware
Scans the network for devices
Able to block websites, devices and applications.
Proactive alerts to cybersecurity incidents
Features anti-virus and anti-spyware engines
Easy implementation and 24/7 secured by our SOC
Installation can be done remotely by our support department and has a quick an easy implementation. Our Vanir Endpoint security software is 24/7 monitored by our SOC center and will act when malicious activities occur on the device. Dedicated personnel can receive reports and alerts notifying everything what happens on daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Key components
Explore a few of Vanir Endpoint’s key components. Check out the full list of features here
Endpoint security combines various attack prevention, detection, and response technologies with intelligent services to form an advanced platform that effectively helps shipping companies: Prevent, Detect, Disrupt, malicious attacks before they cause any major damage.
The scanning and monitoring module detects other devices on the local network that do or do not have Vanir Endpoint installed. Detailed information such as installed programs, running processes and hardware are logged and sent to the shoreside webportal. Our security operation center will keep track on all suspicious activities registered by our software.
Using the data collected via the asset management module, a risk assessment can be performed to assist in IMO 2021 compliancy. The risk assessment will include all devices connected to the IT network and the information of the designated IT responsible person or entity.
A full report can be created on the vessel, containing a record of all devices connected to the network, the hardware and the software that is installed on these endpoints. This report can be handed over to port state control or other authorities to show the vessel has taken adequate steps to minimize the cyber security risks on board, and therefore complying to the IMO regulations.
The automated vulnerability scanning feature provides an additional layer of security to stop threats from out-of-date operating systems and applications, and shows the status of its endpoints, subscriptions, vulnerability & patch statuses.
What is Endpoint Security?

Download Vanir Endpoint leaflet

Vulnerability Management
Vanir Endpoint is updated with a Vulnerability Management feature. This add-on will enable maritime organizations to actively detect and address potential vulnerabilities in the software that they use, therefore strengthening its cyber resilience at sea.
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Feature highlight:
Crew awareness training module